Modular Jams and Sketches


First try out of Folktek Matter



‘Ghosts and Cries’ – STS (Semipalatinsk Test Site)

This modular sketch was made using Qu-Bit Electronix Nebulae, Mutable Instruments Elements and Clouds, Make Noise Phonogene and Maths, SSF UltraRandom and Abstract Data Octocontroller plus a little bit of reverb. A microphone was connected to Clouds and Phonogene with the Doepfer A-119.

The link in the title is to Wikipedia for more information on STS, Semipalatinsk Test Site or ‘The Polygon’ or Semipalatinsk-21 as it was also known. This area, now renamed Semey, was in the former USSR and is now in Kazakhstan. It was a nuclear test site.


Take the last train to Clerksville(sic)

Another sketch exploring the percussive sounds created by Octocontroller, Maths and Elements.


A couple of pictures from a gig and no modular set up in sight.


John playing WX7 wind synth - an impro but no modular in sight!

John playing a Yamaha WX7 wind synth as part of his set at Exile Festival

John plays keyboard - an impro but no modular in sight!

John plays a bit of keyboard at Exile Festival